
Free Webinar!

How High-Achieving Middle Schoolers Can Prepare for High School

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023 | 5pm Pacific, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern

What You'll Learn:

While grades and activities during middle school won't be factored into your eventual college applications, they will set the stage for success. Many families anxiously wonder what their students should or shouldn't be doing during 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. That's why we're hosting a free webinar to cover:

  • Current Admissions Data: Latest acceptance trends

  • The Importance of Middle School in College Applications: How to make middle school count

  • How to Plan for Early High School Years: Goals throughout high school

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023 | 5pm Pacific, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern

*Replay will be available if you can't attend live!

Register For the Webinar!


Meet Your Host:

Kathryn Scherer, Director of Undergraduate Services, Ingenius Prep & Interviewer, Harvard University

Kathryn graduated from Northwestern University with a Bachelor of Music degree in Voice and Opera and Music Education where she also earned the Undergraduate Award for Academic Achievement. After college, she channeled her passion for education into teaching high school chorus, AP Music Theory, piano, and musical theater in Connecticut. 

After teaching in high school, she proceeded to earn a Master’s of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in School Leadership. While at Harvard, she served as an interviewer for the undergraduate admissions office, which helped give her a greater perspective into the admissions process. She thoroughly enjoys supporting students and parents as they navigate the application process from brainstorming essay topics through acceptance to their dream schools!