With our unique network of scholars, your student can pursue their academic interests in ways they are otherwise unable to – with professional mentorship, intensity, and independence!
Through our Academic Mentorship program, your student will work remotely with an actual scholar and researcher from a U.S. university. These mentors – including professors, associate professors, lecturers, post-doctoral fellows and Ph.D. candidates - design unique research projects and courses, providing students with invaluable academic experience.
Research experience can increase your student's chances of admission to their dream universities by enhancing their resume and application and showing strong academic pursuit of their interests. Although these programs are run in cohorts of 3-5 students, your student will prepare a paper individually and submit for publication.
Spring programs begin in March and April of 2025 and last 10-12 weeks. For team-based programs, students will work in a group of 3-5 students.
Based on the Academic Mentorship program selected, your student will work remotely with an actual scholar and researcher from a U.S. university.
During the program, your student will meet individually with their Teaching Assistant to support their research, writing, editing and project dissemination.
Your student will receive personalized feedback on their project (i.e. research project, publication, portfolio etc.) to achieve a strong final output to showcase.
- Priscilla, High School Parent
- Susan, High School Parent
*Student names and images have been changed to protect the privacy of our students