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Free Webinar!

Define Your Goals, Maximize Your Impact: A Leader's Guide to Unlocking Every Student's Potential

Saturday May 11th, 2024 | 11:30am Pacific, 1:30pm Central, 2:30pm Eastern

What to expect:

Are you ready to showcase your leadership and make a lasting contribution to your future college community? "Define Your Goals, Maximize Your Impact: A Leader's Guide to Unlocking Every Student's Potential" provides the framework for showcasing your unique leadership style and highlighting your impact on others.

Discover how your leadership experiences demonstrate initiative and the ability to inspire those around you. Learn to articulate how you've tailored your approach to foster collaboration, inclusivity, and an environment of academic growth. Stand out as a leader ready to contribute positively to campus life and become a driving force within your college community. Let your past leadership shine as a testament to your future potential.

During this session, we'll delve into the following topics:

  • Who do you want to be? Application Personas - Learn to present the best version of yourself, regardless of background or working style.

  • The Centerpiece Effect: Real Signature Projects - Create a powerful centerpiece for college applications, showcasing the student as a unique and capable applicant.

  • Mix & Match: LIL helps you succeed regardless - From STEM whiz to social justice advocate, procrastinator to planner, we'll help you build an application that gets you noticed!

Saturday May 11th, 2024 | 11:30am Pacific, 1:30pm Central, 2:30pm Eastern

*Replay will be available if you can't attend live!

Register For the Webinar!

Maya Gobert

Maya Gobert, Director of Student Innovation, InGenius Prep

Maya grew up in Singapore where she finished high school as the top student of the country. She won a full expenses paid scholarship to Cornell University where she double majored in Economics and Political Science and graduated with top honors. 

Maya has worked across three continents and industries - finance, marketing and finally educational consulting, where she found her true calling. Maya has worked with students across the world (more than 14 countries and counting!), mentoring them in candidacy building and extracurricular pursuits. Her students have gained admission into colleges such as Harvard, Dartmouth, Cornell, Yale, Duke, UPennsylvania, UChicago, Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon University, UMichigan, UCB, Purdue University, Boston University, and many more. 

Maya also led a team of consultants, leveraging on her rich experience and insight to help her team and her students gain admission into their dream schools. She is excited to bring her experience, knowledge and can-do attitude to the role of Director of Student Innovation and help even more students make a difference and achieve their goals through the InGenius Prep Leadership & Innovation Lab program.