
Free Webinar!

From Application to Acceptance: A Rising Senior's Guide

Thursday May 16th, 2024 | 5pm Pacific, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern

What You'll Learn:

Get ready to make your college dreams a reality! In our webinar, "From Application to Acceptance: A Rising Senior's Guide", we'll give you the blueprint for crafting applications that make admissions officers take notice. Learn insider secrets to writing essays that showcase your unique voice, secure strong recommendation letters, and confidently ace your interviews. Secure your place in the class of 2025 – register today!

Nick will go over:

  • Jumpstart Your College Journey: Get ahead of the curve! Discover strategies rising seniors can use NOW to make their applications shine.
  • Master the Common App: Demystify the application process with our in-depth walkthrough of the Common App, from personal statements to crafting a compelling activities list.
  • Insider Tips for Success: Gain exclusive insights from admissions experts on how to position yourself as the ideal candidate for your top-choice schools.

    Thursday May 16th, 2024 | 5pm Pacific, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern

*Replay will be available if you can't attend live!


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Meet Your Host:

Nick Strohl, Former Senior Assistant Director of Admissions, Yale

He is a Former Admissions Officer from Yale University, where he read thousands of applications for admission, traveled the country to speak with students applying to college, and sat on the committee that made the final admissions decision. He also managed the on-campus Senior Interviewer program, in which he trained and supervised Yale undergraduates who met with prospective applicants.

In addition to his admissions experience, he have worked as a teacher and advisor at a boarding school, where he taught history, economics, and world literature, and talked with students who were in the process of applying to a wide range of selective colleges. He also worked as an academic advisor at a major public research university, assisting undergraduates in exploring majors, developing academic and professional skills, and preparing to apply to jobs and graduate school. He enjoys helping students put their best foot forward in an application, and in finding the school or program which is the best fit for their interests.

He received a PhD in History and Educational Policy Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he currently teach courses on the history of education and education policy.